Vote Pro Choice FAQs

What are the current abortion laws in SA?

Right now abortion care is governed by South Australia's criminal law.

This system denies patients the right to make decisions about their own healthcare, and creates barriers that make it hard for many people to access the care they need when they need it and where they need it. 

Patients in regional areas are often forced to travel hundreds of kilometres, away from their home and support systems, and required to get sign off from two doctors to access care they’d be able to get from a GP in another state. 

The current criminal laws also deter medical professionals from providing abortion care - by forcing them to comply with outdated and arbitrary laws. It discourages many of them from providing the care at all, which impacts on many patients’ ability to access care locally and in a timely manner.


Who runs this website?

The website is run by Fair Agenda.

Fair Agenda is an independent community campaigning organisation working for a future where our gender doesn't determine our worth

We believe in a world where all people can live safely, with economic security, and agency over their lives and bodies.

Our community of over 37,000 people helps to win long-term policy change by leveraging our collective people power to influence decision makers in key moments. 

You can learn more about us, and our other campaigns, including for safe access to reproductive healthcare in WA, and to ensure victim-survivors can access the family violence services they need to be safe, at You can make a donation in support of this campaign here.


Is this campaign affiliated with any political party?

No. Fair Agenda is an independent and non-partisan campaigning organisation. Our community is 37,000 strong (and growing) and our members come from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Together we're advocating for policies that will help to create better reproductive healthcare access for South Australians, and Australia-wide.


How can I get involved?

You can sign up to join the campaign by adding your support to Fair Agenda's campaign page here.

You can also support Fair Agenda’s campaigning by making a once-off or monthly donation. Fair Agenda is committed to being an uncompromising and fierce advocate on the issues our community cares about - so we don't accept donations from Government or other groups that would compromise our independence. Instead we rely on donations from supporters like you to drive these campaigns.

You can also head across and like Fair Agenda's Facebook page or follow us on instagram and twitter to stay up to date on this, and other Fair Agenda campaigns for a fair and equal future for women.