Thanks for helping to build pressure!
Thanks for adding your name to the call for a Taskforce to address sexual violence at universities and residences!
Now can you help build the pressure by donating to help power the next steps in Fair Agenda's campaign to prevent campus sexual violence?
Please note: Fair Agenda may be required to disclose any donations received. And unfortunately donations made directly to Fair Agenda are not tax deductible. More information on tax deductibility included below.
Tax deductibility (click to view)
If you need your donation to be tax deductible, please process your donation via our preferred donor fund with the National Foundation for Australian Women.
Direct debit / cheque / PayPal details (click to view)
Prefer to direct debit? Our bank details are:
Name: Fair Agenda Ltd
Bank: Community Sector Banking
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 150793123
Prefer to send a cheque? Please make out the cheque to Fair Agenda Ltd. Our postal address is:
Fair Agenda Ltd
c/o Progress Central
Level 3, donkey wheel house
673 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Prefer to donate via PayPal?
Send a donation to [email protected]
Please note donations made directly to Fair Agenda, including via direct debit, cheque and PayPal, are not tax-deductible.
Want more information? Please get in touch via [email protected]