Thanks! Can you spare a few dollars to support respectful relationships reform?

Thanks so much for supporting the petition to ensure respectful relationships education in Queensland.

You are now part of a movement working to ensure every child in every classroom across Australia can receive quality respectful relationships education that is developed by experts - and that every teacher is supported to deliver this effectively. Fair Agenda is working alongside partners both nationally and in Queensland to grow the public pressure needed to make this a reality. 

Can you please help build the momentum for change by sharing the petition with your friends, or chipping in to support the next steps of the campaign?


Want to make a tax deductible donation? 

If you need your donation to be tax deductible, please process your donation via our preferred donor fund with the National Foundation for Australian Women. 

Simply click here to go to the National Foundation’s preferred donor page, and then select Fair Agenda from the list of organisations you would like to support.

Don't use social media?

You can email them this link to the campaign

  • 1. Amount
  • 2. Your Details
  • 3. Payment