
Can you help build the pressure on undecided MPs?

Thanks for joining the campaign! This vote is going to be extremely tight - and could be decided by any of the dozen MPs who are currently wavering.

Right now anti-choice groups are bombarding these MPs and voters in their electorate with misinformation through targeted advertising. 

We need your help to show these undecided MPs that their local constituents want them to stand up for women's rights, and make sure anti-choice messages aren’t all they hear in the final two weeks before the vote.

Can you chip in to help us reach key targeted electorates with online advertising and local pressure and make the call for decriminalisation so loud that it drowns out the anti-choice noise?

NOTE: If you need your donation to be tax deductible, please process your donation via our preferred donor fund with the National Foundation for Australian Women. Simply click here to go to the National Foundation’s preferred donor page, and then select Fair Agenda from the list of organisations you would like to support.


Direct debit / cheque details (click to view) 

Prefer to direct debit? Our bank details are:
Name: Fair Agenda Ltd
Bank: Community Sector Banking
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 150793123
Prefer to send a cheque?
Please make out the cheque to Fair Agenda Ltd.
Our postal address is:
Fair Agenda Ltd
c/o Suite 103, 55 Holt Street 
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Please note donations made directly to Fair Agenda, including via direct debit and cheque, are not tax-deductible.Want more information? Please get in touch via [email protected]
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