New expert report shows MYEFO cuts brutal, will hit ambos, teachers, nurses and retail workers hard
Any new parent will tell you that being able to spend time with their newborn is precious.
But now the government want to cut short the time that thousands of new parents -- mostly new mums -- can afford to spend at home caring for their babies.
Just a few days before Christmas the Government launched a new attack on Paid Parental Leave. It was part of a classic move known in political circles as ‘taking out the trash’ -- announcing a series of terrible new policies all together, at a time when you know most people won’t be reading the news. And so far the Government have been getting away with it.
But here’s the good news: despite the holiday season, Fair Agenda members across the country dug deep and chipped in to crowdfund an expert report to break down what the proposal will mean for families - to cut through the government’s spin, and show that these cuts are both unsound and unfair.
Today Fair Agenda have launched that report - created by the experts at the Women and Work Research Group at the University of Sydney.
Here's the top line:
- We can expect that approximately 79,000 women would be adversely affected by this proposed cut.
- Analysis of the impact of the proposed cuts on some example families shows that nurses, teachers, ambulance service workers and retail workers will be hit hard by the proposed changes. Under the government’s proposed cuts, the primary carers in our case studies would be left with the equivalent of just 7 – 13 weeks of their family's living costs. That’s less than half of the 26 weeks experts recommend. The financial loss suffered by these families would range from $3,942 to $10,512.
- Given what experts know about how women in Australia use parental leave, they expert that the proposed cuts will:
- prevent more women from spending critical time at home with their new baby;
- lead to financial duress;
- reduce the number of women able to afford to stay at home for 26 weeks and thus adversely impact on the health and welfare outcomes of new babies and mothers; and
- increase demand for childcare for the very young, in a system that is already struggling to keep up with demand.
The report also shows that if the cuts are approved, we can expect negative flow on impacts for new families, and the communities in which they live.
The good news is that there's still a chance to stop these cruel cuts from becoming a reality.
The fate of these cuts will be decided by the Senate cross bench, and we know that they've been influenced by community backlash to proposed cuts to parental leave before. In fact, the only reason the government have announced these new cuts is because the original cuts proposed by former Treasurer Joe Hockey on Mother's Day were so unpopular with the community they couldn't get them passed through the Senate.
Can you help make sure the Senate cross bench know where the community stand on these new proposed cuts?
- Sign your opposition to the cuts on our petition here:
Or, if you've already signed, email your local cross bench Senator asking them to oppose the cuts today:
- Victorians: Email Senator Ricky Muir and Senator John Madigan
- Queenslanders: Email Senator Glenn Lazarus
- Tasmanians: Email Senator Jacqui Lambie
- West Australians: Email Senator Dio Wang
- South Australians: Email Senator Nick Xenophon (note: Senator Xenophon has already indicated to media he plans to oppose these cuts, so please send him a message thanking him for indicating that he will oppose the cuts)
- Live in another state/territory? Based on previous reports it appears all Government Senators intend to vote for the changes, and that Labor and Greens Senators will oppose them. Other cross bench Senators David Leyonhjelm and Bob Day have indicated they support cuts to paid parental leave. So rather than targeting your local Senators, we'd love your help engaging your friends with the campaign. Can you share this report with your friends and ask them to sign their opposition to the cuts? Click here to share this post on Facebook.
Click below to access the full report: