What we did together in 2014
This time last year, Fair Agenda did not even exist.
Today, thanks to your support, it's now a (still small) but mighty force of passionate volunteers and one part-time staff member who have pulled off high profile media, important campaign wins, awareness raising and strategic interventions in state elections on a shoestring budget. Here are 5 highlights from our year together:

You helped to found an organisation! In March this year, Fair Agenda launched its first campaigns, and started working to help bring Australians together to have maximum impact at critical moments, and drive change on the local, state and federal stage.

Together, we got the issues you care about on the agenda and in front of thousands of voters in key election races during the Victorian state election and WA senate by-election. Fair Agenda teamed up with family violence experts and reproductive rights advocates to rate the candidates and parties on their stance on key policies; and surveyed the mysterious minor parties to find out where they stood on your top issues.

We helped put women’s representation on the agenda with our campaigns around women in cabinet and the Just for Laughs festival. In the months leading up to the Cabinet reshuffle Fair Agenda volunteers helped shine a light on the importance of women in cabinet in the media, and helped spread the word about the set of accomplished and impressive women who could be in cabinet. Then, on the eve of the reshuffle, we drove a social media campaign and delivered your petition signatures to the Prime Minister’s electorate office.

We backed family violence experts – coming together in critical moments to demonstrate voter support for the changes front line support workers and policy experts say are required to protect women and children, including: death review processes, specialised services, and responsible reporting by the media.

We held big companies to account for the messages they sent about women and girls – bringing thousands together to push Myer to commit not to buy more of the stick thin Winx dolls, and helping put media pressure on Libra after their infamous ‘absorbs way more than you ever did in maths class’ advert.
It's no overstatement to say that our campaigns this year - and the wins that our small community has achieved - could not have happened were it not for you. Together, we're only getting stronger -- and we need your help to make sure our impact, size, power and income is doubled in 2015. In 2014, 80 members chipped in $7,364 to support our work fighting for equality. In 2015, if just 100 of us commit right now to spend $25 a month supporting this work, it will help ensure our community has the resources to dedicate a full time staff member to drive more campaigns like this, at critical moments, on the issues we all care about.
Can you help make that happen by becoming a regular donor? Regular donations provide the vital, predictable resourcing that means we can run campaigns on issues you care about, in the moments when it matters most. Or help support our work with a once off end of year donation at: http://fairagenda.org/donate.
Thanks for all you've done this year. Here's to a bigger and better 2015.