Stop harassment at WA clinics

WA MPs: Vote yes to protect patients at abortion care clinics

Everyone deserves privacy and dignity when accessing healthcare. 

But unfortunately in Western Australia, patients still face harassment and intimidation at abortion care clinics. In fact, patients have reported being accosted and being called "murderers", and staff have been spat on, and had holy water thrown at their cars.[1]

In just a few months the WA parliament is expected to vote on a bill that would create safe access zone protection. In other states, we’ve faced fierce opposition and attempts to water down these patient protections - so we need to make sure we have the community power to persuade every undecided member of parliament to vote yes to full safe access zone protections. Will you join the campaign?


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1,039 signatures

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Everyone should be able to access the healthcare they need free from harassment.

Join the campaign for 'safe access zones' to protect patients and staff from harassment and filming around abortion clinics.

Fair Agenda will email petition signers from time to time about important updates.

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Latest activity

Emilia , 4305  /  signed 2019-03-07 09:49:32 +1100
Caitlin , 3216  /  signed 2019-03-07 09:08:23 +1100
Moira , 6059  /  signed 2019-03-07 08:53:35 +1100
"Moira Clay"
Tanya , 6330  /  signed 2019-03-07 03:24:55 +1100
Jane , 5275  /  signed 2019-03-07 02:28:13 +1100
"Abortion is legal. these people have no right to interfere with women who want an abortion. If they’re so committed to pregnancies coming to term, they should be prepared to adopt the child.
That’s the trouble with these people, they don’t give atoss abutthe fate of unwanted children. They’re hypocrites."
Kenneth , 6053  /  signed 2019-03-07 02:14:36 +1100
Ashling , 6162  /  signed 2019-03-07 01:28:23 +1100
"It’s noone else’s business what I choose to do with my body"
Keira , 6172  /  signed 2019-03-07 01:12:43 +1100
Tony , 6157  /  signed 2019-03-07 01:04:41 +1100
"Universal public, non discriminatory health care is a basic human right…. to be impeded in anyway by religous fanatics is totally unacceptable and needs to be stopped immediately"
Donna , 6108  /  signed 2019-03-07 00:40:54 +1100
"Women should be able to access legal healthcare without harassment."
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