Independent Inquiry Now #StandPorterDown
Thanks for adding your name to the call for an independent inquiry. An independent investigation into these allegations is critical. But it’s nowhere near enough. This is not just about one individual. It’s about changing a system that doesn’t treat allegations of sexual violence or misconduct seriously.
When serious accusations are made, proper processes must be followed - especially in our halls of power.
Fair Agenda’s tens of thousands of members are using our collective people-power to push for action to address and protect against gendered violence in our parliaments, workplaces, schools, universities and communities. Our movement is working alongside policy experts, peak bodies and survivor advocates to influence decision-makers and back in evidence-backed solutions to address gender-based violence.
But we need resourcing to make our movement’s campaigning for a safer future possible - to resource the targeted media work, powerful communications, decision-maker lobbying and mass mobilisation needed to build momentum behind solutions.
Can you chip in what you can - whether that's $5, $50 or $500 - to help resource Fair Agenda's campaigns for a safer future?