No one should be left without the support they need to escape abuse
For someone trying to escape abuse, access to family violence services can make all the difference. But right now life-saving family violence services are desperately underfunded.
And every day family violence services aren't fully funded is another day women are left in danger. The Victorian Government has started making the kinds of investments needed to improve the safety of victim-survivors - but other Australian Governments are still lagging behind.
The Fair Agenda community is working alongside survivor advocates and other experts to hold governments accountable to making the investment that’s needed to help victim-survivors access safety. Will you join the campaign?
*If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, you can call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 for 24/7 support. If you are in immediate danger call 000.
More information
A recent report shows 81,900 women say they have wanted to escape their current violent partner, but never have. Further 1 in 12 women have indicated they have been forced to return to their abusive partner because they had nowhere else to go. At the same time, the services women need to live free from danger are being under-funded by governments; leaving thousands of women in danger.
Analysis conducted by Fair Agenda in August 2020 showed:
- Many specialist women’s and family violence services around the country are so overwhelmed that they have waiting lists of months.
- In many states a significant number of women still cannot access safe at home programs when they need them
- Crisis accommodation services are still beyond their capacity to provide appropriate physical shelter to those fleeing unsafe homes and the specialist staff who are needed to provide the immediate safety management assistance to those facing such significant safety risks.
- Family Violence Prevention Legal Services still aren’t funded to provide support across all urban, rural and remote areas where their support is needed.
- Community legal services were not resourced to help everyone reaching out to them before the pandemic.
- Men’s Behaviour Change programs face average waiting times of almost three months.
All these services, and every part of the prevention, response and recovery system need to be fully funded if we're going to address the horrific impact of domestic and family violence on our community.
(You can read more detailed analysis as it was published in Women's Agenda here)