Help step up the fight in 2017
If 2016 has shown us anything, it’s that we can’t take progress for granted. That’s why it couldn’t be more important for communities like ours to keep building our power – not only to secure desperately needed advances; but also to stop us being dragged backwards.
But our community’s ability to do that is constrained by our resources. Can you help us raise $2,000 to step up the fight in 2017?
In 2016 our community secured $100 million of additional funding for family violence services; blocked the January 1 cuts to paid parental leave that would have hurt 80,000 new parents, won election commitments from key parties, and started to make training to prevent sexual violence a priority for university residences.
We've proven that when we come together we can drive life-changing shifts in policy. Can you help us keep it up in 2017? If you donate $25 or over, and include your address, we'll post you a limited edition Fair Agenda postcard!
NOTE: If you need your donation to be tax deductible, please process your donation via our preferred donor fund with the National Foundation for Australian Women. Simply click here to go to the National Foundation’s preferred donor page, and then select Fair Agenda from the list of organisations you would like to support.
Find out more (click to view)
We already know that 2017 will bring a vote on the Government’s fourth attempt to cut paid parental leave, a vote on abortion decriminalisation in Queensland, and the chance to secure training to prevent sexual violence for more university students. All of our impact was possible in 2016 with just a tiny team to support our community around the country. But it's not enough. While all this was happening, funding limitations have left us unable to campaign on other key issues. We need to double our efforts on these issues. Can you chip in $25 or more to help make that possible?
Direct debit / cheque details (click to view)
Prefer to direct debit? Our bank details are:
Name: Fair Agenda Ltd
Bank: Community Sector Banking
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 150793123
Prefer to send a cheque? Please make out the cheque to Fair Agenda Ltd. Our postal address is:
Fair Agenda Ltd
c/o Australian Progress, Suite 103,
55 Holt Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Please note donations made directly to Fair Agenda, including via direct debit and cheque, are not tax-deductible.